Optimal Mastering - Music Mastering & Audio Restoration


Optimal Mastering - Music Mastering & Audio Restoration

Digital Mastering

We will master your music and produce the highest quality lossless master track for you to download within a few days.

Optimal Mastering - Music Mastering & Audio Restoration

Audio Restoration

Do you have an old tape recording or low quality recording that you would like cleaned up and optimized? The collection of advanced tools we have for audio restoration work mean even the most challenging sources can produce great results.

Optimal Mastering - Music Mastering & Audio Restoration


Do you have a song or audio for a video that needs professional mixing? Let us apply our expertise to your mix and get optimal results.

Your music perfected.

We will optimize and perfect the sound of your music,

right here from our studio in North Hollywood, California.

Your audio issues resolved in a few simple steps:

  1. Contact us and let us know what audio work you would like done using the contact form below.
  2. We will let you know the cost of service, as well as where to submit your audio file(s) and how to pay.
  3. Once we receive your audio file(s) and payment, we will go to work on perfecting your audio for optimal results. You will receive your high quality lossless audio within a few days.
Optimal Mastering - Music Mastering & Audio Restoration

Feel free to contact us anytime, and let’s get started!

Contact us

(818) 624-7333

Optimal Mastering

11500 Riverside Dr #4
North Hollywood,
CA 91602